Thursday, April 28, 2005

The No.8 Wire - Issue 31

Gondwanaland Ministry of CultureArtists' Information Bureau************************************************************************An Electronic Alert for 838 of Wellington's Creative PeopleTail-end Octo-numerical Interview: Seth Fraser 31.00LOST TIMES, TEA AND BISCUITS, THE POWER OF MEMORYExcerpt from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things PastUndoubtedly what is thus palpitating in the depths

Thursday, April 7, 2005

The No.8 Wire - Issue 30

Gondwanaland Ministry of CultureArtists' Information Bureau************************************************************************ An Electronic Alert for 765 of Wellington's Creative PeopleTail-end Octo-numerical Interview: MARK O'BRIEN30.004 QUOTES: ON JAZZ, BEES, SOMNOLENCE, AND THE ETERNALArt, then, is an increase of life, a sort of competition of surprises that stimulates our consciousness